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Election Info

The Granger-Hunter Improvement District has a three-member Board of Trustees which constitutes the policy-making body of the District. These Trustees are elected by the voters who reside within the District boundaries. An election occurs during each odd-numbered year (ie. 2025, 2027, 2029).



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the Board of Trustees of the Granger-Hunter Improvement District that an election will be held on: Tuesday, November 4, 2025, for the election of one (2) Trustees to the Board of Granger-Hunter Improvement District.

Each person seeking to become a candidate for the elective office shall file a Declaration of Candidacy form in person with the District Clerk or his appointed representative (2888 S 3600 W, West Valley City, Utah) during office hours (Mon – Thur), 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) between Monday, June 2, 2025 and Monday, June 9, 2025. To file your Declaration of Candidacy on Friday June 6, 2025, the District Clerk will be available from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the address listed above. (Utah Code Annotated: 17B-1-306).

Candidate Qualifications are:

  1. Be a Registered Voter
  2. Be a Resident within the boundaries of Granger-Hunter Improvement District

Qualifications to be a registered voter

  1. Be a United States citizen
  2. Be at least 18 years old at the time of election
  3. Have resided in Utah at least 30 days immediately before the next election
  4. Not be a convicted felon currently incarcerated or a mentally incompetent person whose right to hold elective office has not been restored (Utah Constitution Article IV, Section 6)

For additional information or questions regarding this notice, please contact the District Clerk at 801-968-3551.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Trustees of the Granger-Hunter Improvement District has caused this NOTICE to be given as required by law. 

Download the official announcement here


How to Become a Candidate for the Board (Trustee) Election

To run for the office of Trustee and have your name placed on the election ballot, you must file a Declaration of Candidacy form with the District Clerk. The Declaration form must be done IN PERSON during office hours (M - Th, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, or Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) at the District office located at 2888 South 3600 West, West Valley City, Utah because the filer must personally affirm that he/she meets the candidate qualifications. The filing period typically occurs from June 1 to June 7 of odd-numbered years. However, because the State Legislature periodically changes the election code, it is recommended you check this site regularly for updated information or call the District Clerk at 801-968-3551.


2025 Election Candidates

To be announced.


Candidate Qualifications

  1. Be a United States citizen at the time of filing.
  2. Be a registered voter at the location of the candidate's residence (see qualifications for registered voter below).
  3. Be a resident within the boundaries of Granger-Hunter Improvement District.


Qualifications to be a registered voter

  1. Be a United States citizen
  2. Be at least 18 years old at the time of the election.
  3. Have resided in Utah at least 30 days immediately before the next election.
  4. Not be a convicted felon currently incarcerated or a mentally incompetent person whose right to hold elective office has not been restored. (Pursuant to Utah Constitution Article IV, Section 6, any person convicted of a felony, treason, or crime against the elective franchise may not hold office in this state until the right to vote or hold office is restored as provided by statute.)


Trustee Term of Office

The term of office for each Trustee shall be four (4) years and shall begin at noon on the first day of January following the member’s election or appointment. The terms of two of the Trustees shall expire simultaneously and the third member’s term shall expire two years later. There is not a limit to the number of terms a Trustee may serve. In 2025 there will be two Trustees elected.


Voter Information

Granger-Hunter Improvement District contracts with the Salt Lake County Clerk’s office for election services. The Clerk’s office has done a by-mail-only election for the past few years. Ballots will be mailed the week of July 25th for the Primary election. GHID typically does not participate in the Primary election. Ballots for the General election will be mailed the week of October 17th, and will include GHID candidates, unless there is no more than one candidate file for each vacant position, in which case there will be no need for a GHID election. If you are a registered voter and do not receive your ballot close to the above-noted dates, please contact the County Clerk’s office at  385-468-7400 or by email at

To obtain information about Early Voting, In-Office Voting, by-mail voting, candidates, and other election questions you may have, please see the Salt Lake County Clerk’s website at You may also contact the District Clerk (Austin Ballard) at 2888 South 3600 West, West Valley City, Utah, by phone at (801) 968-3551, or by email at


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