18C: Meter 80 Piping & Breeze Chemical Feed Project
Consultant: Hansen, Allen & Luce, Inc.
Contractor: Burlington Civil, Inc. (Declared Bankruptcy)
Contractor: Corrio Construction, Inc. (Completion Contractor)
Status: Corrio Construction is working with their subcontractors to resume work on the project. Installation of the bathroom fixtures in the chlorination building will be completed the week of February 10, 2020. The Contractor has submitted a cost proposal to perform additional work requested by the District. This work includes modifications inside Vault No. 2 to replace existing 30-inch and 24-inch steel piping and fittings, replace existing 24-inch butterfly valve with a 24-inch wafer butterfly valve, and install a new insertion flow meter, pump, and chlorine injection quill. The steel piping and fitting modifications are necessary to create sufficient room in the vault to allow for the installation of the flow meter, pump, and injection quill.